Touche MH. I will be very impressed if the AI discovers the concept of a hole. Then it can go find one and fall into it forever.

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Current ML models lack any substantial mechanism for self-reflection or meta-reasoning which makes them particularly poorly suited torward mathematics. I don't think this is an insurmountable problem but it will require some important advances in representing things like beliefs and propositions that current models are unable to perform.

I predict we are going to see a ML models quickly master the kind of tasks that people do effortlessly (speak, walk etc) and this will revolutionize media and art but then we'll hit a plateau while we wait for new conceptual advances in ML that will allow for more systematic reasoning combined with this kind of intuition training.

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There are solid reasons to confirm the critics of Alpha Geometry included in this post- not only matters of energy footprint - ,and more generally of all recent announcements tending to announce big steps towards '' AGI''

- The cheating mentioned of the geometric construction of bisector is a general technique used in most recent successes of AI. Just one example : the protein folding success which led the bosses of Deep Mind to announce their machine will soon get Nobel Prizes , is in fact the cooperation of AI with many years of scientific research and results connected with the study of protein folding .

- Not only solving IMO problems is different from what most mathematicians believe of what is '' creative mathematics '' but an essential part of mathematics is the discovery or creation of concepts and important questions- conjectures- in the same time ( Euler 's caracteristics here ,or Poincaré's conjecture in a recent post) .All of recent successes of AI in scientific domains involve a cooperation of computer based technology with scientific works . Even the extension to medical successes ( see the history of AI applied to radiology ) and other examples show it would have been probably better not to choose the term ''intelligence '' but a more modest name when creating the new discipline .

Jean-Michel KANTOR

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Might you be impressed enough were AlphaGeometry 2.0 to use Euler's formula (never mind Euler's characteristic) to prove, say, Erdős–Szemerédi sum-product inequality with a reasonable constant to boot? To wit: why would this not be tantamount to a just claim to "rediscovery", suitably conceived?

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