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Who else---besides me at least---will be attending this week's (second annual) "Cosmic Explorer Symposium," which is being held simultaneously with the NASEM's "Artificial Intelligence to Assist Mathematical Reasoning".

The daily schedules are compatible: first "Cosmic Explorer" 11am-1pm, then "NASEM AI" 1pm-2pm, then "Cosmic Explorer" 3pm-5pm (all timed EDT).

More to the point, the intersectional scientific, engineering, educational, sociological, and political elements that (in coming decades) will challenge the Cosmic Explorer enterprise, span the full range of challenges that AI researchers hope to address.

In a nutshell, Cosmic Explorer is where "the rubber is meeting the road" for AI.

For details of this week's "Cosmic Explorer Symposium," see "https://indico.mit.edu/e/CES2024"

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